French Ladies' Tour
2023 Season
Tour Information Centre
Last updated 16-09-2023 at 16:14
Saturday, 27th July 2024
Local Time is 09:59 (CET)
French Ladies' Tour
The French Ladies' Tour information centre is an authoritative collection of tournament data and statistics presented on a season by season basis.
Individual Tournaments
Entries, draws, scores, results and statistics from any event this season.
Select a tournament:-
Report required:-
Show scoreboards in player name order
Divide scoreboards by nationality
All Tournaments
Summarised information from all events this season.
Select a report:-
Entries, scores and results for any player competing in events this season.
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Report Preferences
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Last event:-
Categories Dames 2023
To be Confirmed
31st December 2023
2023 Season
Tournament Schedule
Please note: if a tournament is selected from the above schedule it will appear as the current event in the "Individual Tournaments" section (left) from where a report can then be chosen.
Season Archives
Reload the Information Centre using an alternative season database.
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Official tour scoring and statistics provided by the
French Ladies' Tour
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